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> January 2018
Missing in Sugar Land: George “Edgar” Solis
Lunar trifecta gets us out of bed
Battleground: Feds vs. States vs. Cities
Black Market for Fake Followers
Harris County Budget to Remain Flat Due to Harvey
POLL: Should High Schoolers be Required to Pass Civics Exam?
Businesses Optimistic About Economy Under Trump
Police Added at Klein Forest High, Nearby Schools
Governor: Texas Rangers Should Probe Karolyi Ranch
Shelling out $$$$ for our fur babies
Take That Vacation!
POLL: Medical Skepticism --- Good or Bad?!?
With Bills Due, Texas Senator Calls for Property Tax Reform
Trump makes State of the Union speech tonight
New Facebook Feature Gets Personal
Media companies dominate list of America’s most polarizing brands
Magazine Ignores SE Texas in 'Best Cities' Ratings
Join 740 KTRH for the iHeart Radio Mardi Gras Parade!
POLL: Houston Symphony Wins at The Grammy's
New smartphone cameras invasion of privacy
Texas rated best state to be a driver
Smugglers say a Wall won't work
Want Them or Not, Driverless Cars Are Coming
Tax Reform is Showing Up In Worker’s Paychecks
Tax Season Begins Today
What Ever Happened to the Tea Party Movement?
Gas Prices Rising Rapidly
Trump White House to release Immigration, DACA framework today
‘Trump Trauma’ is crippling the mainstream media
Bored on the Job? You're (Yawn) Not Alone
Study: Frequent drinking kills new brain cells
7 Tips: Improve Your Health ... Weight Will Follow
Poll: 68% Unsure They'll Ever Pay Off All Debt
Galveston Gears Up for Mardi Gras
Houston Medical Community Helps Power TX Economy
These 5 Behaviors Risk Workplace Harassment Issues
See Corruption in Houston? Tell Us, Says FBI
Grand Theft Pickup: Houston's Top Stolen Vehicles
Thy Will Be Done? Lawyers Can Help Write Yours
Underdog Factor: Why You May Root for the Eagles
This Everyday Step Makes Your Skin Miserable
Coming to a Restaurant near You, maybe: Surge Pricing
Don’t Forget To Take Care of Your Brain
Men Are On Their Way to Extinction
Intense religiosity growing among US Christians
Harvey Who? Much of Texas Back in Drought
Forums Set for Harvey Flood Victims Still Seeking Aid
Girls just wanna have guns
DOJ Threates to Subpoena Sanctuary Jurisdictions
POLL: Should a woman be in charge of the NFL?
Clinton denied Lewinsky affair twenty years ago today
Widespread Flu Still Hasn't Eased in Texas, Nation
Doomsday Clock Inches Toward Nuclear Midnight
Texas Graduation Rates Are Higher Than Some Thought
Despite Tough Laws, New York Spending Billions on Gun Violence
Talk Again of Merit-Based Immigration
Report: ‘DREAMers’ More Likely to Commit Crimes
The Price is Right Comes to Sugar Land
Middle age you warning for when you get older
POLL: Start School Day Later? Docs: Yes. Parents: Meh.
Trump stock market grows by leaps and bounds in first year
If you believe this survey it really is America vs. The World
MADD Ranks Texas' Vigilance in Middle of the Pack
Galveston County Reports First Flu-Related Death
Your Cold Nose Is a Sign You're ...
Potential tax refund delays not because of shutdown
POLL: Physical or fiscal infidelity worse?
Does it really matter what the 1% earns?
Amazon In Your Future
Government Shutdown Could Backfire Against Democrats
Border Wall Funding Remains in Limbo
Experts: E-Verify Not E-ffective
Veterans group claims ad is being censored by the NFL
Are American Tech Workers Lazy
Group targets Harris County over voter registration
Gas Prices are Higher -- and May Stay That Way
The Corporate Tax cut could bring a lot of money back to the U.S.
Nasty flu virus twice as deadly this year
Happiest places to work in US
Fort Worth Paying Homeless to Pick Up Trash
Our Economy and The Feds
Leading Millennials in Business
Houston Housing Market Surges Into ‘18
POLL: Trump ad on illegal immigration blaming Democrats
Scientists say adulthood doesn’t start until the age of 24
Social Media Users Turned Off by Liberal Bias
Join The Randy Lemmon's Live Broadcast From The Sugar Land Home Show
Flu, cold or allergies?
Employers beware of W-2 scams
Do You need another Reason not to Smoke?
DACA Not the Same as ‘Dreamers’
Americans Urged Not to Travel to Parts of Mexico
Digital Currency Boom Or Bust?
The Restaurant Business is Changing
New Research Could Lead to Flu Vaccine Breakthroughs
America has a foreign tourism problem
POLL: Social media still is biased against conservatives
There's Still Time to Resolve to Slay Debt in 2018
Houston Not On Amazon HQ2 Finalist List
Fertitta May Start Accepting Bitcoin
U.S. Postal Service Announces New Prices for 2018
Galveston Suffers Water Loss Due To Freeze Damage
Houston's "Tourniquet Killer" Executed
Harvey Victims Speak Of Persistent Housing Difficulties
Officials, Celebrities To Speak At L.A. Women's March
Texas House Panel Receives Update on Harvey Recovery
At the Movies: Prices Up, Attendance Down
Police Across Texas Report Rash of Tire, Wheel Thefts
What is the Best Age to Be?
The Collectibles That Will Pay Off in the End
People of faith in medical industry get support from president
Buying or selling a house sans the traditional realtor
How would a shutdown impact you?
Scandals and Lawsuits for Apple
POLL: Should the drunk driving threshold be lowered?
Texas' Affordability Rated Attractive to Retirees
Buckle up: market could be in for a bumpy ride
Flu, flu go away
Texas' first Execution of 2018 is scheduled Tonight
ICE Raids Send Clear Message to Those Hiring Illegal Aliens
POLL: New Minimum Wage Laws Hit Restaurants
Things returning to normal after this week’s winter blast
Trump Presents Fake News Awards
How much does Twitter know about you?
AMBER Alert LIFTED for Missing Teen
THE LATEST: Schools Reopening, Ice Receding
POLL: Houston still dealing with Old Man Winter
Computer Hackers Reach Out to Your Car
Legal Immigration Forecast
Economic good news buried by mainstream media
Harvey to Resurface During Texas Primary
Should Houston Oil Companies fear Shale?
Survey shows lack of confidence in the media
Abbott Offers 2.5 Percent Revenue Cap on Property Taxes
Even in flu season, please, sneeze
It’s Tax Filing Time Again
Stubborn Freezing Temps Make Driving Hazardous
Houston woman goes viral for ‘Guns Up’ incident at Hobby
POLL: Winter Storm Inga approaching Houston
Congressional Midterms Not Foregone Conclusion
It's still not too late to get a Flu Shot
Job Search Help
Shopping Malls the Newest Thing-of-the-Past?
Engage Millennial Workers, Or Lose Them
Surprise Winners Named at Detroit Auto Show
Simone Biles Reveals: Team Doctor Abused Me, Too
Prepare Now as Harsh Winter Weather Approaches
Trump supporters nervous about comprehensive immigration reform
Surprising List of Most Stressful Jobs
Parents of Buillied Children Turning to Virtual Charters
GOP Divided in Texas Primary
Here’s one time drinking and driving can mix
Another rally could lead to $70 a barrel
Leno lashes out against late night television
POLL: Many of us plan to die with debt
Liberal Media Called Shills for Gossipy Book
Texans Extend O'Brien's Contract
Deadline Looms for Pot Diversion Program
Dozens of Roads Closing for Marathon
Gaines Hang Out 'Help Wanted' Sign
Happy divorce season
Gen Xers aren't in fiscal shape to retire
Group wants to stop Armchair Psychiatry of Trump
Texas Lawmaker Supports Work Requirement for Medicaid
GOP Governors Reverse Course on Offshore Drilling
Houston Reports First Flu Deaths
Google showing their bias again
LIVE with Rachel Estrada in the KTRH Newsroom
POLL: Critics say Football's Popularity is waning
Winning: Trump Praised for Overseas Success
Willowbrook Sam's Club Open, But Some Others Close
Hungry Houstonians eating out
Germaphobes v the flu
Austin Fight Over Concealed Carry Law Moves to Trial
Trump thinks Congress should consider the return of earmarks
Walmart, Kroger to Expand Digital Shopping Platforms
What happens to the ‘Bannon Movement’ now?
The Pope Speaks About Immigration
Credit Card Debt Creeps Upward
Sleep more to lose Weight
Some Seized Guns Resold by Police
Texas Economy Could Add 360,000 Jobs
Next-Generation Cars Steal the Show at CES 2018
Diet Technique is More Strict Than Usual
NOAA: 2017 Third Warmest Year on Record for U.S.
2017 Historic for Disaster Costs
Cell Phone Addiction – Who’s Responsible for a Solution?
Why do businesses like Trump so much?
Is there a "January Effect?"
POLL: Will Facebook do what it needs to do to deal with their problems?
Get rid of painkillers and the pain
Report: Many Homes Built Inside Reservoirs
Texas Oil and Gas Boost Schools, Roads, Rainy Day Fund
CDC Schedules Briefing on Possible Nuke Attack
POLL: Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Good luck Job hunting, but be careful
Oprah considering 2020 run after Globes speech
Not sweating politics while working out
Flashy Phones Popularity Drops
Fishy side effects make smarter kids
Construction projects ramping up around Houston
Judge Ed Emmett Talks Hurricane Harvey Recovery
Your Car is Reading Your Mind
As economy booms, get ready for more robot workers
We're seeing a Self-Storage Boom
POLL: Trump Moves Election Integrity Under DHS
U.S. Looking to Tap Into Offshore Oil and Gas Potential
Trump Steps Up Efforts Against Chain Migration
Space Tech Starts Deep in the Heart of Texas
World Risks Easing Against U.S. Oil Supply
Drug Policy Changes Reflect Attitudes, Applications
Flu Season Ravaging at Least 36 States
Scam Alert: Citizens Warned of Fines for Jury Duty
VIDEO: Rodeo 2018 Lineup Released
Computer, smartphone users at risk
Must haves of 2018
Analysts agree: 2018 will see higher Prices at the Pump
Trends in Social Media Could Doom Facebook
Rock Is No Longer the King of All Music
Texas Primaries Just Weeks Away
Questions of Foreign Aid to Palestinians, Pakistan
Fight Over Texas Voting Rights Continues in 2018
Record amount of money sent home to Mexico from immigrants
POLL: Who will Trump base support in rift with Bannon?
Trump has a big 2018 agenda
Amber Alert Lifted for Central Texas Girls
‘Privilege’ test being given to kids at school
DACA Deal Might Be Just A Dream
Interest Rates to Rise Through 2018
Good News, Texas Ranchers: Meat in Record Demand
The Best Times of Your Life
Retail stores closing despite good economy
Houston makes top 10 worst cities to get sleep
Record Number of Women Run for Office
What effect will the new Tax Law have on Texas Housing?
POLL: Lt. Gov: Texas Will Never Ever Become Sanctuary State
Border Wall Hinges on DACA Compromise
Homeland Security will scan your face at airports
US Oil Rising Through New Year
Shopping Tips
New Tax Rules in the new Year
What would the Trump infrastructure plan mean for Houston?
Flu is in peak season
People not saving like they should
Car Lots, Liquors Sales Still Crimped By Old Laws
China Seeks Moon Milestone
POLL: 2018 401(k) Mystery
POLL: Trump gets back to work
Houston Homeless Seek Shelter from Cold, City
More Campus Clashes Expected in 2018
When Houston Last Got This Cold
What is a “Wind Chill Factor?”
Untitled Content
Autonomous cars influence insurance rates
New calorie math for the new year
Cold snap hits Houston
This could be the Year You cut the Cord
Watchdog group accuses broadcast TV of unprecedented bias
Time to make those New Year's resolutions
Texas Hardest Hit By Flu
Judge Rules In Favor Of City Ordinance Banning Homeless Camps
Watchdogs: News Media Show 90% Bias Against Trump