

Skip Richter, based in Houston, is a popular speaker for garden clubs, Master Gardener programs, and other gardening events across Texas. He has...Full Bio


Time to do just about everything horticultural

Thanks to the weather change, there are many things we can and should be getting done over the next 30 days in Gulf Coast gardens.

Last weekend, I told GardenLine listeners that this is my favorite time of year for gardening, and we should take total advantage. You name it, and it should be done. Or, in some cases you can apply our mantra, “It’s Never Too Late to Do the Right Thing!”

So, here’s a list of things that can and should be done, used, applied, incorporated and worked through. I’ve tried to cover everything, so pick the most applicable and get busy!

Fertilization Schedule: October is the month for fall feeding or winterizing. The “winterizing” part stays open until our first frost or freeze. If you have questions or need clarification on anything, give me a call this weekend on the radio show!

Cool-season Herbicide Time: Mainly for things like Virginia buttonweed, doveweed and all the other broadleaf weeds that may be popping up today. Yay … the weather finally reached the point this week where I feel comfortable opening the window for control of these nasty invaders with herbicide.

Tree-pruning Season: Once the weather pattern doesn’t have high temperatures in the 80s and 90s, we can go for major tree pruning. It’s always done in the dormant season here, which is roughly mid-October through January. The two best months are December and January, though, so doesn’t have to be done tomorrow. And while you’re are at it, the smartest tree companies will deep-root feed those pruned trees at no additional cost – but you’ve most likely got to ask for it!

Time to re-mulch the beds: I would never say the end of October is the best time to add healthy mulch, but if it’s been over a year since you’ve put any out, you’re well overdue! Here are my 10 Commandments of Mulch.

Plant trees: October and November are the best time to plant trees, to incorporate new shrubs, or just re-do landscape beds.

Other Things to Consider:

  • Time to get in your cole crops. That’s fall vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, collards, and lettuce. And strawberries.
  • Time to purchase and plant a myriad of bulbs.
  • Time to change out summer color for fall color (annuals like snaps, pentas, etc.)
  • Time to lightly prune shrubbery. (We don’t just prune those plants in the spring.)
  • Time to take advantage of nursery sales and plant shrubbery.

Finally, remember “It’s Never Too Late to Do the Right Thing.”

PHOTO: Getty Images

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