The FAA really does want to hear from you regarding the comfort and safety aspects of commercial airline seats! However, Aviation Expert Joshua Verde has his doubts. "Ultimately this might be a whole lot of Just Going Through The Motions --- instead of the FAA genuinely trying to address the safety concerns of air flight passengers."
Verde thinks if changes were made to make seats bigger for safety sake, he expects the airline industry would put up some serious resistance. "Requiring more seat room will necessarily reduce the number of seats on board each air plane for sale."
Airline Seat Sizes can be Dangerous
Verde says to make your comment count. "What they're likely going to get is a ton of comments from the public saying, 'Of course I want more leg room on my flights.' But --- in order for them to legally regulate that area, they're likely going to need more 'meat' about maintaining safety." In case of emergencies, airlines do have to be able to evacuate every passenger within 90 seconds and some passengers are wheelchair bound or require specific help getting out of their seats. "This is an area where I think the public really could get the FAA's ear: When there are passengers confined to a wheelchair, in an emergency, those folks would have a more difficult time evacuating."
TODAY is your last day! Now is the deadline to send your comments. To send them, CLICK HERE.
Crowded Commercial Airplane SeatsPhoto: Getty Images