Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Biografía completa


Car Dealership’s $30,000 Quote For Replace Battery For Hybrid Goes Viral

Buy a hybrid car, the left told us, it’ll save you gas money.

Obama wanted us in hybrid cars so bad, he even created the “cash for clunkers” handout program.

Let’s check back in with the people who are driving hybrid cars from the Obama era.

The post circulating on the social media from Roger Dean Chevrolet in Cape Coral went viral because it shows the cost of the battery (nearly $27,000), the cost of labor ($1,200), and taxes for the repair (more than $1,700). 

In total, it would cost $29,842.15 to replace the battery on the 2012 Chevrolet Volt.

The dealership says the invoice is authentic.

USA Today reports:

Roger Dean Chevrolet in Cape Coral, Florida, gave the estimate to a customer earlier this month, Gary Herrmann, the dealership’s service director, told USA TODAY. 
The car that needed repair was a 2012 Chevrolet Volt, a hybrid electric vehicle. The car was no longer under warranty, and General Motors no longer makes the car's battery, Herrmann said.  
“This is a battery that (has to be) purchased from a third-party supplier,” he said. “That’s where the real cost comes in.” 
General Motors discontinued the Volt in 2018 and replaced it with the Chevrolet Bolt, a fully electric vehicle that uses “a completely different style of battery,” Herrmann said.
The dealership also explained the reasons behind the costly estimate in a comment on its Facebook page
“This is an estimate for a 12-year-old vehicle out of warranty and for a battery that is extremely hard to get due to the older technology,” reads the dealership’s comment. “The dealership does not set battery prices. In the newer (electric vehicles), the batteries do cost less.”

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