The forever pandemic.
Since the current mask mandate in the state expires in February, Oregon health officials are now drafting a set of rules to make the face diapers a permanent requirement indoors.
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) convened a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting last week, the first step in making the indoor mask edict permanent.
Dr. Paul Cieslak, the medical director for communicable diseases and immunizations with OHA, says making the rule permanent doesn't mean it'll be in place forever.
He says “permanent means indefinite. It doesn’t necessarily mean permanent. We can repeal it as well, but we are only allowed to have a temporary rule for 180 days, and anything that goes beyond 180 days, we cannot extend it."
Sure it doesn’t, just like how Fauci and Biden told us over and over again that when the vaccine was ready, it would NOT be mandatory.