These far-left eco-warriors have been repeatedly blocking roads in Britain with their silly protests.
On Monday morning their took their stupidity to another level.
Several of them superglued themselves to the road including a man who glued his face.
“When Matthew Tulley arrived in the City of London on Monday morning, he said that he wanted to take “extreme action” to show his opposition to climate change.
Yet for this Insulate Britain protester, gluing his face to a busy street was a step too far for planet Earth.
Wincing through attempts to remove him from the tarmac, he admitted that he regretted the idea.
“It wasn’t one of my better moves,” he said as those around him used scissors to cut off hair that remained stuck to the road.
When asked if he was worried if he would “snip himself” while being cut free, Mr Tulley said: “Well you’ll find out if there’s blood coming out.”
After being hauled off by two police officers, he became one of the 52 people arrested during the demonstration which brought busy roads in the capital to a standstill.”
Another dumbass, this one superglued her hands.
These ongoing “protests” have gotten to the point where the nation’s high court rules that those found blocking any roads could face up to two years in prison.
This was reportedly the 14th such protest of blocking road by the group over the past two months.
These eco-warriors are vowing to continue with these protests until the country stops emitting carbon.
Maybe next time, the authorities should keep them stuck to the road if they want to glue themselves to it.