Yesterday, Democrat Governor JB Pritzker signed into law SB 825 which he says expands access to the ballot box for residents.
The bill allows sheriffs around the state to set up polling sites at local county jails for the inmates.
Prizker sure knows his base.
The press release from his office says:
“SB 825 grants sheriffs outside of Cook County the ability to establish polling locations at local county jails, a practice already in place in Cook County. Individuals awaiting trial and sentencing who are residents of the community surrounding the county jail will now be permitted to vote at the jail's polling place.
"With attacks on voting rights on the rise in states across the nation, Illinois is proud to stand up for a strong, secure, and accessible democracy," said Governor JB Pritzker. "This legislation articulates the rights of Illinois citizens to vote by mail, allows those awaiting trial to cast their ballots, and makes a state holiday of Election Day 2022. I want to thank sponsors Senate President Don Harmon and Representative Maurice West, as well as the Women's Legislative Caucus leadership, and county clerks across the state for their commitment to protecting the fundamental right to vote."”
How come he didn’t set up polling locations at the cemeteries for the dead people casting ballots.