Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


WATCH: Pro Rassler Gets Crotch Lit On Fire In Darwin Award Winning "Stunt"

The independent rassling scene is still full of these nuts jobs using lighting tubes, thumbtacks, blades and apparently even lighter fluid. This sub-culture is always about pushing the envelope to the extreme.

Indy wrestler JJ Allin did a spot where his opponent shot an accelerant onto his crotch area & lit it on fire.

The opponent then tried to put it out with a weedwhacker.

The incident happened at the "Southern Sickness Memorial Cup," held at the Axl Rotten Memorial Hall in Connersville, Indiana.

Another angle of the incident.

Allin posted on Facebook that he was OK despite the 2nd degree burns.

He wrote “I have two second degree burns on my legs. I got away lucky. I have done that spot a dozen times successfully.”

He adds that he "will retire that stunt for good."

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