No doubt, Fauci wants to prolong this pandemic indefinitely.
The last year has been his greatest. For once, people are listening to him and he’s even crafting policy.
There’s the endless TV appearances, throwing out of the first pitch, celebrity treatment by the female magazines with a segment of the population idolizing and adoring him.
So of course he not only wants us to wear our masks indefinitely, but wants our day-to-day lives lived in fear. Fear gives him clout.
Yesterday during a senate hearing, Sen. Rand Paul called out Fauci for suggested that masks be worn until at least 2022.
Paul noted to Fauci a study that found no symptomatic reinfections, and another that showed natural infection would prevent the vast majority of people from being hospitalized from the virus for years to come.
He told Fauci, “what studies do you have that people who have had the vaccine or had infection are spreading the infection? If we’re not spreading the infection isn’t it just theater? You’ve had the vaccine and you’re wearing 2 masks isn’t that theater?"
He later told Fauci, “you've been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks for show. You're defying everything we know about immunity by telling people to wear a mask that have been vaccinated. You want to get rid of vaccine hesitancy? Tell them they can quit wearing their mask after they get a vaccine. Instead of telling them the nanny state's going to be there for three more years and you’ve got to wear a mask forever. People don't want to hear it and there's no science behind it."