We are nearly two weeks from the one-year anniversary of “two weeks to slow the spread”.
At this point every grown-ass adult can and should be able to asset their own risk. They don’t need government restricting the behavior of others for your benefit.
If you are not comfortable going into a crowded bar, keep your ass at home. If you are scared of unmasked people walking among us in common space, sit your butt on the couch.
You don’t need the government to “protect” you. Protect yourself.
The time for reopening is long overdue. We must start the process of rebuilding this economy that the government destroyed. As Kristi Noem corrected pointed out in her CPAC speech, “COVID didn't crush the economy. Government crushed the economy.”
Democrats and members of the Houston media are outraged that the government is basically saying now that they trust you to make decisions for YOURSELF.
Mayor Turner and the Commandante says Gov. Grabbitt’s order opening Texas back up is all a conspiracy to distract from ERCOT.
And of course, the media outlets are regurgitating the Democrats talking points to push fright & panic.
Fear is a drug the media knows the public loves.
The so-called health ‘experts’ who never missed a paycheck and could give a rats ass about your small business simply want us to stay close indefinitely. The longer this pandemic goes, the more attention and clout these people have. For them, this is all intoxicating because finally people are listening to them and the media has placed them on a pedestal. They don’t want to go back to being ignored again.
Buck Sexton nails it after California Gov. Gavin Newsom attacks Texas, writing that “the lockdown governors like Newsom are terrified that freedom supporting states like Florida and now Texas will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that lockdowns come with enormous cost and little to no real benefit.”