Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


Louisiana 4th Grade Boy Suspended For BB Gun Seen During Virtual Class

During virtual class on September 11th, nine-year-old Ka Mauri Harrison was taking a test during virtual class in his bedroom when his brother walked in carrying a BB Gun.

The gun fell and Ka Mauri picked it up and put it next to his seat.

WWLTV reports that's when the problem with school administers began.

"You could kind of see a portion of it on the screen for a split second,” Nyron Harrison, his father said.
A behavior report filed by Ka Mauri's teacher at the school in Harvey said he "presented a weapon that appeared to be a rifle/shotgun during his Google Meets classroom session. This is (a) violation of weapons in the classroom setting and a violation of internet usage policy. He will be recommended for expulsion per JPPSS policy.
"School officials agree that Ku Mauri did not point the gun at the computer, but an attorney for the family said the school system maintains that on-campus policies are in effect for distance learning, despite the family’s protests.
"They just went ahead and went along with it and blew it out of proportion,” Nyron Harrison said.

Ka Mauri was suspended for six-days.

However, his family is vowing to fight the school district because they say that their privacy rights were violated and he was not given due process by the school.

They’ve even hired an attorney to fight back.

Attorney Chelsea Cusimano tells The Times-Picayune that “it's not ending here.It's our intent to explore further options.”

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