Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


ABC-13: Inmates Released Over Coronavirus Fears Accused Of New Crimes

To the surprise of no one, inmates given low bond or released over coronavirus fears go back to terrorizing the community.

In one case, a man was given just a $50 bond for pulling a gun on someone. Now, he’s wanted to beating his ex-girlfriend and her grandmother.

Another man released thanks to The Commandante’s order is arrested for breaking into cars, stealing IDs and bank account numbers of three people.

As Crime Stoppers Andy Kahan tells ABC-13 “this is exactly what we predicted. What we were fearful of.”

ABC 13’s Jessica Wiley reports:

“Timothy Singleton, 31, has a warrant out for his arrest.Two weeks ago, he was released from jail after paying $50 on a $500 bond. The bond was controversial because he has violent convictions. Most recently he was accused of pulling a gun out on his aunt's neighbor...
(Prosecutor Karen) Barney requested a $50,000 bond based on his criminal history. (Magistrate Jennifer) Gaut ultimately explained COVID-19 concerns in the jail were driving her decisions.
District Judge Chris Morton upheld the bond. The Harris County District Attorney's Office was in the midst of an appeal when Singleton allegedly committed another violent crime...
On Wednesday morning, Singleton attacked his ex-girlfriend at her house in Acres Homes, according to Houston police. After breaking in, he "pummeled" her and "ripped out her weave."

Another case Wiley reported on is Quaran Pope, 21, who was released thanks to Lina Hidalgo’s emergency order.

Pope was one of a dozen people accused of “non-violent crimes” with “non-violent histories” who was released on April 3rd thanks to Hidalgo.

Pope is back in jail now, charged with a car break-in and stealing IDs and bank account numbers from three people.

How many more criminals will terrorize the community during this pandemic thanks to Hidalgo and the activist judges & magistrates in here Harris County.

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