Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

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POLL QUESTION: Tea Party Comeback?

With 'MAGA' now used as a four-letter smear by the left, some conservatives are calling for a return to tea party principles heading into 2024.

The 2010 Tea Party movement opened the door for Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and eventually Donald Trump six years later. Conservatives say its time to resurrect individual and economic freedom.

"We just a few weeks ago the debt deal passed that's going to add $4 trillion more to a our national debt. It's unsustainable," says Jenny Beth Martin with Tea Party Patriots Action, a new initiative aimed at hiring conservative poll workers and getting out early voters.

"We released a documentary called 'Surviving Socialism' that can be a tool for people to watch and show their friends and family why people have fled social countries to come to America."

The goal is to elect true conservatives at the local, state and federal level.

"We've got to focus on making sure that we can have faith in the outcome of our elections, so we have honest elections. And that we get out the vote and make sure our people show up so that we can win elections," says Martin.

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