Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


POLL QUESTION: Inflation and your grocery shopping

The Biden-flation in the U.S. continues, with no end in sight. What is the problem? Too much spending and poor polices from the Biden administration.

"All you have to do is step outside your front door and see that under this Biden administration, cost of living is soaring" said economist with the Heritage Foundation Tim Doescher, "And that is devastating to you, me, and every American that is affected by it."

With inflation at a 40-year high, Americans are getting hit everywhere they turn, especially at the gas pump, and the grocery store. Inflation, is actually just a 'hidden' tax, and it might just be the worst of all.

"It's an incredible tax to every working person in this nation" Doescher told KTRH, "To all the families out there, it is a tax and it is probably one of the most devastating because we see it directly every day when we go to the gas pump, and when we go to the grocery store, it's there."

Sadly, many consumers are being forced to buy smaller quantities, and they are even switching to store brand items, all to try and save a buck.

"You don't need an economist to tell you, we know that our money goes way less farther than it did just a year ago" Doescher noted, "We are looking for an answer, and policy makers have to change course! We still have people debating Covid-19 mandates, and they have just failed. Completely failed."

And they will likely fail again, if Biden is able to ram through yet another massive spending bill before the midterms.

"We already did our spending" said Doescher, "We spent more than we could ever imagine, and we see where we're at right now. That's the definition of insanity, and another spending bill at this point would be complete and total insanity, especially since we don't have the money to begin with."

Insanity has also been defined as doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

That leads to the poll question today.

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