Love him or hate him, one thing you can't deny about President Trump? He has always put America first. The big question now is, if Joe Biden takes office, will that continue? Or will it be 'China first'? In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo said that Trump's 'America First' is going to have a lasting legacy. I spoke with Robert Charles, who worked for the State Department under Ronald Reagan about the state of affairs. Charles told KTRH "We are at risk I think when we have candidates, or those around them, or their families who have been compromised by a foreign country. I'm worried to pieces about that." Charles is of course referring to the on-going Hunter Biden scandal, which seems to get worse by the day. And for those who might think that it's really not that big of a deal? Charles warns "Trump has opened up a can, and we can now see what China is up to." Which Charles said is not good, and definitely not America first!
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