Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

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WATCH: Dan Crenshaw sets Trump hater Bill Maher straight (VIDEO)

Houston area Congressman Dan Crenshaw has shown time and time again he can handle tough situations.

  • He's a former Navy SEAL.
  • He was wounded in the Iraq war.
  • He handled Saturday Night Live's Pete Davidson and won almost universal praise for how he did it.

Given all of that HBO's Bill Maher was child's play.

Crenshaw, who has a new book out, was a guest on Maher's show over the weekend. Maher tried to engage Crenshaw in what he hoped would be a fiery debate over President Trump and how he's handled the coronavirus pandemic. Crenshaw was having none of it.

In fact, this was a classic takedown, and it was done the way Crenshaw usually handles himself.

Check out the video below and read more HERE.

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