Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


PODCAST: Laughter is the best medicine; Millennials don't like it here

Jimmy and Shara are still trying to get over what we watched yesterday afternoon as the Texans became the first team in NFL history to blow a 20-plus point lead and lose by 20 points in the playoffs. Maybe this takes the 1993 Oilers off the hook for 35-3 against Buffalo. The internet is laughing at the Texans, and maybe laughter is the best way to deal with the disappointment we feel this morning.

We keep hearing about Democrats wanting to turn Texas Blue. The question is whether they will treat the state like an ATM by raising money here and spending it somewhere else, or whether or not they will raise money and spend it here in 2020.

New research says more people between the ages of 18 and 29 think there are better countries than the United States. Whether or not those people will still feel that way once they, you know, start paying taxes, is a different story.

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