Trump has a pretty big to-do list once he takes office on January 20th, and the first 100 days of his administration are going to be crucial to getting it done. Incoming officials say they won't be wasting any of those first 100 days.
Trump's soon-to-be Deputy White House Chief of Staff, James Blair Trump, will begin working to check items off that to-do list as soon as he's inaugurated. He said, "Day one is gonna be action-packed. What you will see is the President work quickly, and aggressively, to implement the policy he campaigned on."
Blair also said that he hopes Congress will be cooperative with the Trump team in those first 100 days. He stated, "He is the one with the mandate, and the will of the people is behind him, and I think he will use that to his benefit, to make sure the policies he ran on get enacted."
Unfortunately, the Republican majority in Congress isn't always as cohesive as we might hope. The good news is that even if Congress is unable or unwilling to work with Trump, much of his agenda can be accomplished via executive order.
Blair said that some of Trump's biggest priorities, like securing the border, unleashing American energy, and removing "wokeness" from the military, can all be done quickly even without help from Congress.