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Joe Biden Taking Last Minute Steps To Cram Down His Agenda

President Biden Speaks At The Brookings Institution In Washington, D.C.

Photo: Getty Images North America

According to reports, Joe Biden is preparing to sign even more last-minute pardons, commutations, and executive orders in his last few weeks in office. With nothing left to lose, he's doing everything he can to push his radical agenda.

Newsmax contributor Jeffrey Lord says this is Biden's last chance to go all out, and he's taking it. Lord said, "He's looking around for anything and everything that he might even think of wanting to do, or that somebody on his side wants him to do, and he'll just do it."

Lord also thinks that the election being over has essentially given Biden the green light, because he no longer has to worry about negative attention. He said, "During the campaign, he had to be fairly cautious because he didn't want anything to hurt Kamala Harris. That has now gone by the board. He can do anything he pleases here for about a month."

There's also a huge scope of action that Biden can take. He could even be working to hamper the incoming Trump administration. Lord pointed out that the federal bureaucracy is huge, and Biden has almost complete control over it.

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