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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Paxton Demands Citizenship Data From The Biden Administration

2021 CPAC Conference Features Donald Trump And Conservative Luminaries

Photo: Getty Images North America

Attorney General Ken Paxton sent a letter demanding that the federal government release citizen data on people who may be illegally registered to vote right here in Texas.

Paxton is urging the Texas Secretary of State to request the data from the federal government so that the state can then determine the citizenship status of voters who managed to register without a State of Texas-issued ID.

Paxton said, "I demand full cooperation from the federal government to ensure that any noncitizens remaining on Texas’s voter registration rolls are identified. The Biden-Harris Administration is legally obligated to assist states in doing so, and it is imperative that we use every tool available to uphold the integrity of our elections.”

You can read the full letter here:

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