As we move closer to the all important November 5th election, the U.S. Supreme Court begins it's new term today, with 28 cases at the start and more expected in the coming months.
First up out the gate will be a challenge to the Biden-Harris administration's 'Ghost gun' rule.
"The Biden administration essentially wants these to be subject to the same rules, background checks, records, serial numbers, rather than just anybody being able to buy a kit on-line" said Katelynn Richardson, reporter with the Daily Caller.
Another case involving the state of Texas, a challenge against the state's porn age verification law, for online users.
"That case challenges Texas law, and 19 other states have passed similar laws" Richardson told KTRH, "So, the Supreme Court agreed to take up this challenge to the law."
SCOTUS will also tackle a big one affecting the entire nation. Tennessee's ban on transgender procedures for minors.
Plus, we'll have to wait and see what happens after the election.
Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images