V.P. Kamala Harris has yet to hold a news conference since being given Joe Biden's spot on the ticket, but she continues to tout her "opportunity economy". So what is it?
Burton Abrams is an economist, political writer, and retired professor. In a recent column for American Thinker, Abrams said that 'Momala' Harris is looking to expand the "maternalistic" state, or Nanny state, as others have called it.
"The reference to 'Momala' and the maternalistic state seemed like a natural linkage, where the government is going to be our parent and taking care of us" Abrams said.
As for the plan economic? Harris' allies in the media boast about how it will help the middle class. But will a $25,000 down-payment taken from other taxpayers, is that really going to make a difference? Is an extra $1000 tax credit for 1-year really going to turning things around? And who is going to build and pay for these millions of government homes? All of that will do nothing to alleviate the damage that has already been done under the Biden-Harris administration.
"It worse than dumb, it's disastrous as well, just an extremely wasteful economic policy" Abrams told KTRH, "As an economist, I just find it fascinating as to how stupid public policy can be."
Which ultimately leads to more dependence on the government, which the Democrats believe is smart.
Photo: Win McNamee / Getty Images News / Getty Images