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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Democrats Are Spending Big On Red State Races

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The Democrats have been spending huge amounts of money across the board during this election cycle, including in red states like Texas and Florida. There is a reason Democrats are spending so much money in Texas.

Political analyst Bill Miller told KTRH, "They believe they may have an opportunity, and the only way you maximize that opportunity is to spend money. The bottom line, if you ask me, is they've got more money than they know what to do with."

Despite the fact that they've been spending big here, Miller still doesn't believe that the Democrats will be able to flip Texas. He said, "I think that their prospects are dim. But you know, they've got candidates in races, and they've probably made promises to support them."

Miller says this basically amounts to Democrats making throwaway bets with spare cash because they've already funded all their other races.

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