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Majority Of Americans Continue To Favor Moving Away From Electoral College

According to a new poll from the left leaning PEW Research Center, the majority of Americans are still in favor of moving away from the electoral college. 63% say they would prefer a popular vote. At least until they learn how the electoral college really works.

"Those kinds of polls are a bit deceptive" said Hans von Spakovsky, political commentator with the Heritage Foundation, "Because when you actually explain to people the purpose of the electoral college and what it prevents, I have found that they basically change their mind."

A popular vote means elections would be determined by voters in popular areas.

"New York city alone has a bigger population than 39 individual states" Spakovsky told KTRH, "The electoral college system forces candidates to try to get people throughout the country. I find a majority of Americans say, you know we actually should keep the electoral college."

That is why, even though constitutional amendment's to replace the electoral college come up the most in congress, they never have enough support.

"Well, the founder's they realized that if you just have an election for president based on national popular vote, then candidates would simply go to the big cities, and they would ignore the rest of the country."

Not surprisingly, 2/3 or 8 in 10 Democrats are in favor of a popular vote, compared to just 46% for Republicans.

electoral college

Photo: Kameleon007 / iStock / Getty Images

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