The Biden-Harris White House continues to claim that the price of groceries is coming down for Americans but some numbers show the opposite.
According to federal data, grocery prices are 21.1% more than when Joe Biden took office in 2021 and the prices have actually gone up over the past year by 1.1%. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly made claims that the prices Americans pay for groceries is coming down in the final year of Biden's presidential term.
Policy Analyst James Quintero from the Texas Public Policy Foundation said no recent changes in dealing with the federal economy is unfortunate and that over the past few years there's only been a "decrease in the increase" on the price of grocery items.
"Very clearly, Americans are paying much more at the grocery store," said Quintero. "Those higher prices are being driven of course by inflation which is pushing up the cost of labor and energy."
Quintero actually believes prices are up more than what federal data is telling us.
"I think grocery prices are up probably closer to 30 percent plus," he said.
Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris has proposed price controls on goods to try and bring down the price tag on groceries, but plenty of policy experts and economic research say that that idea will lead to shortages and breadlines.
"The White House is trying to justify socialism and big government," Quintero said.
According to Quintero, the country is expected to face a $1.9 trillion budget deficit at the end of the fiscal year. That is on top of the over $35 trillion national debt.
He suggests that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, if reelected, pursue the concept of the Grace Commission, something used by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's, to try and limit government spending and attack the national debt.
"It brought together private sector titans and unleashed them on the federal government to figure out how they could do things better."
Photo: E+