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Democrats have been telling us not to worry about the cost of illegal immigration, claiming that illegal immigrants pay it back in taxes, but that isn't really true. It turns out, illegal immigrants cost far more than they contribute in taxes.
The American Thinker's Andrea Widburg told KTRH, "Illegal aliens pay about 96 billion dollars in taxes. They cost at least 150 billion dollars in support and services."
Widburg says this is having very clear consequences throughout the United States. She said, "Crime has increased, hunger has increased. We're getting insta-poverty because of the huge pressure of illegal aliens on poor communities."
Widburg also pointed out that there are other costs that are much more difficult to tally, such as damage to both life and property as a result of illegal alien crime.
She says that the costs of the border crisis will likely force the government to print more money, which will lead to even more inflation.