We have talked extensively before about the influence George Soros has in the Democrat party, and to just what low levels he will stoop for them to keep power. He is corrupt and has made it his life's goal to corrupt the foundations of America, pumping money into election fraud, and buying judges to take over the judicial system. It is just a commonly known thing in America that George Soros is not a good guy.
Enter the year 2024, Soros is still going his usual Soros things. New studies and data show that many self-proclaimed 'bipartisan' non-government organizations (NGO) have ties to Soros, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, are presenting a threat to GOP Senators and others who highlight voter fraud, from dirty voter rolls to bogus registration numbers.
Election integrity has been at the forefront for almost a decade now, with shady dealings happening in many elections, including the 2020 Presidential election. Jay Valentine of Omega for America says these groups are all over, including here in Texas, and are spending billions of dollars to do it.
"They are not just attacking the electoral system, by illicitly registering people to vote...they are attacking the cultural system," he says. "Before Republicans get up in the morning, they already have one billion dollars against them...all paid for with dark money."
Valentine says they do this by targeting, you guessed it, illegal immigrants to undermine American culture.
These groups, again, claim to be 'bipartisan' in nature. But in reality, they use and abuse many RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) to make it seem like they are bipartisan.
"They use these hapless Republicans as fronts, to be dunces, so they can hide behind them, and undermine the greatest steal in American history, which will be the 2024 election," he says.
We already know the Democrats have no boundaries when it comes to getting what they want. They will fight, steal, and use corruption to get their way. This is just the latest example of their insane game of limbo, showing how low they can really go.
"They will undermine elections, register voters fraudulently, they will publicly make statements about people they know are false, and hide behind the media to do that...they are pretty much unbounded," says Valentine.
There is an old phrase coined by Lord Acton in the 1800's that says, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely.' The Democrats are already there. Any further power they gain will only make things worse for the rest of us, and our system as a whole.
Photo: Burbach, Brian (uploader)