Even though the mainstream media is doing their best to help conceal it, more details are coming out about the Kamala Harris 'price fixing' plan. And critics say it will crush small businesses.
"Economists tend to agree that price fixing often does very little to fix really anything, and instead results in less competition, and more harm to job creators and consumers" said Jeff Burdett, Texas state director for the National Federation of Independent Business.
And as bad as that is, there is something even worse on the horizon for small businesses, and all Americans. The end of the Trump tax cuts.
"Small businesses will face one of, if not the largest tax hikes in my lifetime" Burdett told KTRH, "90% of small business owners are going to be affected by this, and this 20% will really exacerbate that inflation and create even a larger problem."
As for the price fixing, according to the latest food industry association, the average grocery store's profit margin last year was just 1.6%.
Photo: Nathan Bilow / Photodisc / Getty Images