KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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The Media is Manipulating And Hiding Illegal Alien Crime Statistics


Photo: Moment RF

All across America, communities have been learning firsthand about the crime that comes from the Biden Border Crisis. Now, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media are saying the crime isn't actually that bad.

Retired HPD Captain and criminal justice expert Greg Fremin says they're now manipulating data to hide the crime rates of illegal aliens. He told KTRH, "They're coming out with these bogus studies, where they're reporting that illegal immigrants are committing far fewer crimes. That's simply not true; they have nothing to substantiate that."

Fremin says many law enforcement agencies, including HPD, don't even know if suspects are here illegally when they arrest them. He said, "Just like the murder of the young 12-year-old that we had several weeks ago at the hand of two illegal immigrants. It took the media and investigative reporters several days before we were able to figure out the status of these two individuals."

Fremin says that thankfully, people can plainly see the truth here, and they aren't buying into the left-wing media's lies.

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