With all of the attention and focus on former president Donald Trump returning to the White House, one conservative activist and writer believes that it's time for conservatives to prevail on all levels.
"This is something that the right needs to fully get behind, both at local, state, and national" said Philip Reichert, "Come together like we see on the left, because that's exactly what we're failing at right now as a movement."
The reality is, all elections are now important. And as the Democrats have already proven, if you don't want to support local issues or government, the left is happy to impose their radical agenda.
"It's up to us as people who are interested, and concerned about the direction of the country to go out and figure out what's going on locally, see how we can help and see how we can contribute" Reichert told KTRH.
It's time for a GOP grassroots movement at all levels.
"Trump's conviction should be a wake-up call to grassroots conservatives" noted Reichert, "Though they may be content with spectating the national drama, they don't know what's going on at the local level."
That needs to change, starting in November.