Tensions across the world continue to rise daily, with new Hezbollah attacks in Israel, more Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships, and all happening with a raging war between Ukraine and Russia in Europe. Just this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea for the first time in two decades and made a pact with Kim Jong Un to defend one another if they are attacked.
Signs of escalation and potential global conflict are all around us, and the United States is becoming the latest to potentially take defensive action. The U.S. House last week passed a new $883 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would automatically register men ages 18 to 26 for the military draft. There are not many much bigger signs that tensions are at a peak than that.
But military recruitment in the U.S. has reached historic lows. No one wants to defend their country anymore. Former Army Captain Sean Timmons says this is raising some concern.
"It is an indicator of possible logistical need for a future draft....I think it is becoming almost critical now that we have made the military so progressive and unattractive for individuals to voluntarily enlist," he says.
Republicans overwhelmingly supported the bill, with just three of them voting against it. It passed by a narrow 217 to 199 vote, which also authorizes a $9 billion increase in military spending for fiscal year 2024.
There were protests over this kind of thing when we last did a draft, during the Vietnam War. But now, especially with the hatred for America the new generation possesses, they would out-do the 2020 riots.
"The social cohesion is lacking in our country because of the tension created by the far Left," he says. "Social unrest would be extreme, especially in places where hostility toward military service already exists."
Indeed, from the time kids are young in school now, they are taught mostly by LGBTQ flag waiving teachers, who then push the liberal agenda on them. We have become progressive to the core, and there might not be a way back from it.
"Ideally if we could root out the woke ideology indoctrination, which teaches our kids to hate America...but until the education system goes back to patriotic learning, we are in a predicament defending the country," he says.
Even tragedies like September 11th did not unite the country, with plenty of congress voting against use of force against terrorists. That was in 2001, and 20 years later, an event like that might divide the country more than ever.
We are out of manpower, and have a lack of people who want to defend he country. The U.S. is all but a dog with an exposed underbelly, waiting for someone to attack.
Photo: Alex Wong