With skyrocketing health care costs still on the rise, experts say that having an awkward conversation with your doctor, could end up saving you thousands of dollars on your medical bills.
"Not so much a hard conversation that you have with your doctor, but it's a necessary conversation" said KTRH medical expert, Dr. Joe Galati, "Because you have to look at yourself the patient, as a consumer no different than any other service you're spending money on."
The bottom line is, you have to become your own best advocate when it comes to your health care.
"By talking about price, what test is going to be done? what blood work? it puts you in more control of your own health, and wellness, and destiny" Dr. Galati told KTRH, "So, for many reasons it's important."
There are more options now for patients, but you have to shop around and talk to your insurance.
"This is not 1970 and your parents going to the doctor" noted Dr. Galati, "For the patients that are reading this, they never should be on the defensive bringing up this topic of payment with their physician."
It's worth noting, Texas currently has the 5th highest health care costs in the nation.
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