KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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ERCOT Now Says Texas Could Face Rolling Blackouts In August

It's hot again in Texas, and with more heat on the way, the latest monthly report from ERCOT is causing some concerns again about the grid, and if it can stand the heat this summer.

According to ERCOT's MORA report (Monthly Outlook for Resource Adequacy), energy demand in Texas could approach the state's total electrical supply this summer, and they are forecasting a 16% chance of an electric grid emergency, and a 12% chance of rolling blackouts in the month of August.

The highest risks will come after sundown, peaking at 16% from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. when there will likely be a high electricity demand and a big drop in solar production. 

ERCOT's report noted that energy demand throughout the state of Texas could reach as high as 78,000 megawatts in August. That’s just below the state’s projected supply of nearly 83,000 megawatts for the month.

The report also details a 16% chance that operating energy reserves could drop below 2,500 megawatts, and at 12% reserves could dip below 1,500 megawatts — which could potentially trigger rolling blackouts to prevent a statewide grid failure.

For more, stay tuned to News Radio 740 KTRH.

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