You're not hearing a thing about it from the 'mainstream' media, but Biden's wide open border is leading to yet another crisis. A concerning trend of Chinese and Russian's attempting to enter our U.S. military bases every week.
"You're not hearing much about this because it would point to the porous border" said national security expert, Ed Turzanski, "Why are we admitting so many, coming from countries that have a hostile view of the United States."
It's a great question that has been asked repeatedly over the last few years. It's one thing to let in millions like the Biden administration has, but even worse to let in military aged men from Russia, China, and the Middle East.
So, what is the plan?
"Some of it is just to probe defenses to see how we react" Turzanski told KTRH, "The other is to actually cause harm, and to play a bit of a mind game with us."
Last week, a human smuggler with 5 other illegals in the car, ended up on the Laughlin Air Force Base. It's the 3rd time the base has been breached this year.
It's a game that all of America is losing.
Photo: Omar Marques / Getty Images News / Getty Images