KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH-AM covering local news from Houston and across Texas.


Voters Head to Polls in the Texas Primary Runoffs


Photo: SUZANNE CORDEIRO / AFP / Getty Images

The Texas primaries in March settled most races, but after today, everything will be settled as voters head to the polls for the runoffs.

The biggest race across the state is a state House race in Beaumont, with state House Speaker Dade Phelan being challenged by the Donald Trump-endorsed David Covey. Brandon Waltens with Texas Scorecard says this doesn't happen very often.

"It's very rare; it's happened one other time - fifty years ago," Waltens said. "We're looking at a very likely Covey win.

Locally, there is a State Senate race rematch on the Democrat side, with Molly Cook being challenged by Jarvis Johnson; Cook won a special election last month in the race to replace John Whitmire, now the Mayor of Houston.

There is one Congressional primary of note, with Texas Republican Tony Gonzalez being challenged by YouTube influencer Brandon Herrera.

Polls across Texas will be open from 7AM to 7PM.

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