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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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The Senate Border Bill Goes Down For The 2nd Time

As expected, the so called 'bipartisan' border bill was struck down in the Senate today. Chuck Schumer brought it back from the dead this week as an election stunt, but it didn't work as the bill was defeated with a final vote of 43-50, with 6 Democrats voting against, which was actually worse than the previous vote in February, which went down 49-50. Woefully short of 60 votes needed to proceed.

The bill was negotiated over the fall and winter by Senators James Lankford (R-Okla.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), with Lankford being one of the flips who actually voted against it.

“Today is not a bill. Today is a prop. Today is a political messaging exercise,” Lankford said ahead of the vote. “That doesn’t help us as a country.”

Before the vote was taken in the Senate, GOP leaders made it clear that the bill would be dead on arrival in the House. Again.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, added that the border security bill was "designed to fail."

Senators Hold Weekly Policy Luncheons On Capitol Hill

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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