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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Nearly 30% of Illegal Aliens Are Registered to Vote

Photo: wildpixel

We were told for years by the left that this would never happen, but now, according to a new study, nearly 30% of non-citizens in America are illegally registered to vote. This leaves the so-called "conspiracy theorists" in the Republican Party once again saying, "We told you so."

James D. Agresti with JustFacts.com told KTRH this is, of course, against the law, but, "What happens is, the law is simply not enforced. There are not the kind of safeguards in place that would actually prevent non-citizens from voting."

Agresti says whenever anyone tries to do anything about this problem, it ends up being bogged down in the courts. Barack Obama's administration even filed an amicus brief in one lawsuit that stated efforts to stop illegal aliens from voting would interfere with people's right to vote.

Agresti says that every time an illegal vote is cast, it interferes with and takes away from the legitimate vote of an American citizen. Unfortunately, as long as Joe Biden and the Democrats are in charge, there likely won't be any solution to this mess.

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