Clearly, Republicans have a House divided. And while it's obvious that members of the GOP can't agree, should they still continue with House Speaker Mike Johnson?
Political pundits don't agree either, but Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government says now is not the time to swap speakers again.
"I'm hoping that common sense prevails" Manning told KTRH, "Speaker Johnson's got an impossible job and the fact of the matter is, everybody's got give a little bit when you've got only a 1-vote majority."
Give a little now, to get a lot more back next year.
"I share the concerns, the House is on fire! We've got to do something about it, we need to do something now" Manning told KTRH, "Plant the fields and fertilize the fields, that's 2024. In 2025 is when you get to reap a harvest."
A harvest or manure? That remains to be seen, but Manning believes there is one key reason why the GOP should keep Johnson.
"The one power that the Speaker has right now with a one vote majority is, they still control the committees" noted Manning, "So they control the agenda, and they control what's talked about. It would be foolish to throw that away."
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene met with Mike Johnson twice on Tuesday and at least for now, has backed off her threat to oust Johnson as Speaker.
Photo: Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images News / Getty Images