In case you didn't know, May is 'Mental Health Awareness' month. But one conservative writer says it might be time to change that.
How about a more deserving title, like 'Liberalism Is A Mental Disease' awareness month?
"I mean, it is sarcastic and everything but I think he does make the point that leftism is a mental illness" said Andrea Widburg, editor with American Thinker referring to a piece written by Noel S. Williams.
"The left has inculcated that insanity" Widburg told KTRH, "It's ok to be insane for the greater good. It's not your insane, it's that society is insane and everything is racist, sexist, and homophobic."
The truth is, the left is ok with mental illness, as long as they support their agenda. And keep them in power.
"So, whether you're transgender and plotting mass-murder, or a black woman judge who says there's no such thing as the Second Amendment in her court, or college students screaming for Hamas, they don't need reality anymore" noted Widburg.
In case you are wondering, there are currently at least 92 on the list of month long observances, with only 12 months in a year.
Photo: jacoblund / iStock / Getty Images