In the time since he became the President, Joe Biden has continued making things worse for Americans almost daily. He has had a direct impact on the economy in ways many Presidents rarely accomplish, and not in a good way. The price for staying alive with basic necessities remains at sky high levels. Yet Biden continues gaslighting the Amercian public into thinking everything it just dandy.
At every turn, Biden and the Democrats have killed the American dream. That has been especially true when it comes to home ownership. Owning a home is part of being American, and almost a rite of passage of sorts. But the economy has become so out of control, people simply cannot afford it.
According to 2023 numbers, home ownership in the United States has hit the lowest levels since the 1980s, with 1 in 4 Americans saying they lack housing affordability. Helen Raleigh of The Federalist says the problem is two-fold.
"The mortgage rate is over 7 percent, and because inflation is driving up the cost of things...many current homeowners are having to sell their homes because they cannot afford to maintain them," she says.
According to, homebuyers who have a $3,000 monthly mortgage payment have lost $30,000 in purchasing power since February of last year.
Many young people see homeownership has a unicorn at this point, as they continue paying rent money. But it seems reckless now to spend money on a home when it is a struggle to pay for groceries. That is a struggle once again born of Biden's economic incompetence.
"Inflation is always a money supply problem...if you oversupply with excessive spending, you drive up inflation," she says. "Under Biden, with the so-called 'Inflation Reduction Act,' and the green has driven inflation rates to highs we have not seen in four decades."
In more gaslighting, Biden has begun touting the falling inflation rate, and that its coming down means he is a savior of some kind. But alas, he is far from it still.
"The growth slowed...but it is going back up again, and even when the rate is slowing down, the price at the store and gas pump are not coming back down," she says.
Across all facets, the United States is a shell of its former self. It is even a shell of itself from just 10 years ago. It has become a joke both to Americans, and to others on the global landscape. That has been a direct result of an ineffective, incompetent president.
Hopefully, this is the alarm clock American's need.
"This should be a wakeup call for voters to vote for the right policies and the right candidates that respect property rights," says Raleigh.
Photo: Getty Images North America