Despite the mainstream media's on-going support and push for 'Bidenomics', most Americans aren't buying it, or much of anything else.
"Inflation has slowed, the rate of increase has slowed, but the prices are enormously still high" said economist and FOX News contributor, Elizabeth Ames, "And they're not going down, we're not having a deflation."
Instead, we still have 'Biden-flation', every single day. But the media isn't affected by it, so they don't you should be either.
"The media wants to see Joe Biden re-elected, and media objectivity as we once knew it has collapsed" Ames told KTRH, "Also, you have a president who his version of the truth, it's his truth but it's not the real truth."
The truth is, most Americans are still struggling, and will continue to do so as long as Biden remains in office.
"They don't care" noted Ames, "They just basically believe in saying what they have to say, trying to rally the base, and basically that's what their mission is and the press is basically the echo chamber for them."
According to the left and the mainstream media, 'Bidenomics' is not the problem - it's you.