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KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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The Fatness Epidemic Kills More People Each Day Than Covid Ever Did

It's been awhile since Covid, but the consequences continue. Leave to a group of Select Committee Democrats to blast Republicans for pushing back on Covid, and how it was handled.

As one health expert points out, if the left really cares about people like they boast, maybe they should address our nations obesity epidemic instead, something that kills more Americans each day than Covid ever did!

"Fatness is really killing people" said writer Jennifer Galardi, "And what if we took the same public policy approaches to the obesity epidemic, as we did with Covid."

That's a great question, without a good answer. At least from Democrats. It's worth noting that while nearly 500,000 people (allegedly) died from Covid in the U.S. in 2021, that was still less than the nearly 700,000 who passed from heart disease and diabetes.

"Why can't we say this out loud? Why can't we actually do something about this?" Galardi told KTRH, "Can you imagine if we forced people to go outside and take walks, and we said you can only eat essential foods."

She adds that instead of "flattening the curve", it's time for Americans to flatten the waistline!

Special School Helps Kids Combat Childhood Obesity

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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