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Biden pushing toward Medicare cuts after promising to not cut entitlements

Ever since campaigning, and ultimately taking office, President Biden has been lying in ridiculous fashion. He lied to millennials to get votes, promising student loan forgiveness. He lied about his foreign business dealings with this son Hunter Biden. which has been proven time and again. You could probably find 50 other instances of Biden lying to the people. But, as he always seems to do, he has outdone himself once again.

After bashing Donald Trump and Republicans for wanting to attack Americans by gutting entitlements, Biden has decided to begin entitlement cuts himself. He has begun with Medicare, something he vowed to save all during his campaign. He has already cut rates for Medicare Advantage from 2.44 percent to 2.33 percent, despite growth projections of around four to six percent.

Monica Showalter with the American Thinker says of all the things he could choose to cut, this is a perplexing one.

"It is a very popular program with seniors...and what this is doing now is raising costs for seniors, and knocking people out of that market so they cannot get healthcare choices," she says.

All Biden's efforts mean rate raises for seniors by about $400 per year. Remind you, many of those seniors in the program are on fixed incomes.

It has been a flat out lie, and an attack on the older people who have paid their entire lives into entitlements.

"It is one of the rare programs that actually works...the fact he is cutting this, raising money for illegals and then beefing up his green programs instead...it is shocking," she says.

It is an outrageous thing that he might pay for come ballot box time in November. Biden's polls have been shrinking in recent weeks, and his polling with the elderly has gone down as well.

But why go after what could be a big voter base for him? Because it is an easy target.

"Democrats are very happy to take away vital services for those in positions of not being able to fight back easily," says Showalter.

These cuts to Medicare though might just be the tip of the iceberg.

"The social security trust fund is weaker every year...they might be forced to cut social security by a 35 percent rate," she says. "They will blame it on Republicans...when they had to cut because they overspent."

Showalter adds that the overspending on coddling illegal immigrants has been the major problem, and reason why Biden has to begin cutting.

Medicare Health Insurance Card. Social Security Card with Stethoscope

Photo: Bill Oxford / iStock / Getty Images

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