For the last couple months, the Biden Administration has been touting rises in job reports as evidence their foolish 'Bidenomics' plan is actually working. They continue gaslighting Americans daily, saying everything is good, and on the way up. Well, the only thing going up has been the price to stay alive. Gas, food, and other various necessary costs have continue rising, and sitting at record highs.
As for their job reports, we have seen the lies embedded within them from the start of the new year. There have been revisions made on the first few, usually dumping previously reported growth numbers down by over 100,000 jobs. But that rarely gets reported, and Biden looks like some kind of hero. But thanks to The Federalist, a bit of deep digging shows that the March jobs report was made up mostly of part-time gigs, mostly for people who already work full-time.
In fact, Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project says the numbers are staggering.
"Of the 303,000 jobs added in March...100 percent of them were part-time jobs, and 75 percent of them were second jobs for people," he says.
Yes, the economy has gotten so bad that full-time people who work their lives away now need second jobs to stay afloat. Inflation sits sky high still, with the Fed giving no indications of it coming down to their liking so they can lower interest rates.
But even more upsetting is that is not the worst part of the numbers.
"Somewhere around 25 percent of the jobs added to the economy are government jobs...that is a real big problem," he says. "We have a 34 trillion-dollar national debt, and for the first time...our payments on interest for that are over 800 1 in every 3 dollars our government collects next year will go toward nothing...this is a death spiral we are in right now."
Government jobs cost money. To support that, you must then take wealth from the economy. Overspending on ridiculous things has also not helped the debt cause, and the only way to fix that is to cut money from the budget.
That presents a new problem on its own.
"We do not know where the cuts will come because discretionary spending is actually a small portion...most of the budget goes toward entitlements like social security and others...things we do not have much of a choice in cutting," he says. "It is going to be tough to get out of this."
Getting out of the tailspin would require job creation, which Biden look son paper to be doing. But again, when you factor in the government jobs aspect, it cancels out any real growth.
This is a big deal, yet it took a deep dive to find that these reports are essentially nonsense. Why? Because the media provides cover to any Democrat they can.
"If this was Trump...they would be saying we are in recession and tearing it apart," he says. "But because they are so in the tank for Biden...they are covering for him. It is egregious, and terrible."
Schilling adds that Trump might be able to fix this if he wins in November, but it will take a lot of work.