TikTok has made it a point in the last few years to become a liberal propaganda stronghold that infiltrates young minds all over the country. Many kids and teens now get their news solely from the app, and it has created an avenue for government control over free speech. Numerous cases have been presented of TikTok banning Conservative ideologies, and promoting anything they want to push, such as the useless COVID-19 vaccines.
Beyond just the infringement on American free speech rights, there is the whole 'China owns and runs TikTok' thing. Thanks to that, the app now faces a potential ban in the United States. The app must either have its Chinese parent company sell or face a total ban. It is an idea even the Biden Administration has supported, surprisingly enough.
In response, the app is now driving a new marketing campaign called "TikTok Sparks Good' and used people like nuns, and ranchers, as the face of the campaign. You know, generally the people and things that the left despises: religion, and hard workers.
Debbie Georgatos, host of the show 'America Can We Talk,' says this is some good old pandering by TikTok to save themselves.
"They are fighting back...trying to appeal on a personal level to Americans by pushing nuns, veterans, and ranchers...it shows the determination that TikTok has to stay on the American market," she says.
The company is at least a little worried about the ban, because since the Republican-led House passed the ban bill almost a month ago, TikTok has shelled out over $3 million on advertising time. Their target states too, no surprise, are mostly battleground states for the election, focusing their campaign on Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Ohio mostly.
But this ruse of saving TikTok because of 'all the good it does' is a farce, and people are seeing through it a bit. This is nothing more than desperation from the Chinese to not lose what is the most successful avenue in their decade-plus long effort to tear the United States apart.
"They are using anything possible to take down America...TikTok is seen by many as a vehicle the Chinese Communist Party is using to take down America," she says. "They gather user data about people...and share it with the CCP...it gives the enemy more information about us."
Forget just the data harvesting from the Chinese, and all the information they learn. They can use the app to push whatever news, or ideologies, they want.
As mentioned, the House passed the TikTok ban through their chambers, and it has since been tossed to the Senate. But as we all know, nothing moves fast in Washington ever. Really since the idea was passed, the topic has not been discussed. But ban or no ban, this snail's pace movement should at least have other reaching impacts.
"I think the value of the conversation to Americans is having the experts explain...how the CCP is trying to take down America...by other means than just warfare," she says.
Of course, you will never hear Democrats talk about the Chinese threat, mostly because they support China. If you will recall in 2009, President Obama was behind a push to light up the Empire State Building in Communist red, to celebrate the anniversary of Communist rule in the country.
But it is not just Democrats that benefit all from TikTok, plenty of Republicans do too. Many use it as a campaign platform, and many others make some extra cash on it with advertisements and such. That is why getting this ban off the ground might not be so easy.
"It will be hard for Congress to want to do anything to take it down, because they do benefit from it," she says. "They recognize it has a big viewer base, and do not want to give that up."
As for if the ban ever happens, Georgatos says it will likely never come to fruition.
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