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Is Trump Loosing His Support Among Seniors?

Senior Man Voting Side View

Photo: iStockphoto

Usually, older Americans tend toward conservative Republicanism, while younger voters tend to lean toward Democrat liberalism. However, according to some new polling, that dynamic might be changing. Various polls are showing Biden up with boomers and the Silent Generation anywhere from 3-10 points.

But what's really interesting here is the polling data that shows Trump managing to gain a 16-point lead with voters ages 35 and under. Traditionally, that has been one of the Democrats' most reliable demographics, so why are they starting to shift to the right?

Newsmax contributor Jeffrey Lord told KTRH they might be attracted to Donald Trump's mindset. He said, "Youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind. Reagan very much had a youthful state of mind, and I think so too does Donald Trump. That could very much explain the attraction."

Lord also noted that Biden's age becomes more clearly visible day by day, and that's a big turn-off for younger voters.

Lord did note that we are still rather early in the election cycle, and it seems these days anything could happen at any time to swing the election. He says he wants to see what these numbers look like a little closer to late October.

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