With Wisconsin GOP congressman Mike Gallagher set to resign next month, some Republican pundits are claiming that this is all part of a 'uniparty' plan to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House.
One of the main reasons why is, if Gallagher waits until the date he announced of April 19th, that would be just past the deadline in Wisconsin to hold a special election to replace him. Translation: Gallagher's seat will remain vacant for the rest of the year, and the Republican's razor thin majority will be down to just a single vote. A lot of people believe that is 'fishy' at best, in the swamp.
"I've definitely heard the criticisms, that this Republican in name only, congressman Mike Gallagher, is part of the uniparty movement" said Wisconsin based reporter Matt Kittle, now the senior elections correspondent for The Federalist.
According to some of the on-line theories, from Emerald Robinson and reported by Jim Hoft, the RINO's in D.C. want to allow the Democrats to take control of the House right before the election, and then if Trump wins, they can nullify the electoral vote via the 14th Amendment.
"I have a difficult time believing that this is the plan for Mike Gallagher" Kittle told KTRH, "There are a lot of folks on the ground in Wisconsin who believe that Gallagher got a pretty choice position, but the timing raises some very serious questions."
In the meantime, several Republicans are asking Gallagher to reconsider.
Photo: Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images News / Getty Images