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President Biden's campaign becomes Obama's run at a fourth term

As the days go by, and sand rolls through the hourglass, President Biden continues showing more displays of ineptitude, and of being borderline senile. He has routinely made humiliating gaffes and said wrong things many a time. He has tripped on stairs and bags of sand in public. There have been questionable policy decisions. He has been embarrassing to the point of almost sadness.

But amid all the bad decisions and humiliating behavior, is Biden the one really calling the shots? We have known the Democrat party likes their big money and influence calling shots behind the scenes, with one example being George Soros.

Political analyst Anthony Russo says former boss Barack Obama is the one the many puppet masters pulling Biden's strings.

"A lot have said this is Obama term number three...if he ends up being the candidate, there is no way a blatantly senile Joe Biden is making the decisions for this county," he says. "We are looking down the barrel...of a fourth term for the puppet master of them all, Barack Obama."

But beyond just the connection as former executive branch co-workers, there are very similar parallels between Biden's term and Obama's term, especially when it comes down to policy. But there is an exception.

Obama was very skilled at deporting immigrants, tossing out the most in any American President's tenure. Biden has not done that at all, doing the opposite actually. That is for a reason.

"People know Biden cannot win the next election...there is fear...about trying to get rid of voter ID across the country, while we have millions of illegals across the country...knowing they could be potential voters," he says.

Biden has catered to that immigrant base as much as possible, while alienating America's national security.

Going back to 2016 though, we have not seen too much of Obama by Biden's side. He was virtually nonexistent in supporting Hillary Clinton in 2016 and was mostly mum in supporting Biden in 2020.

Russo says how much Obama backs Biden this time around will be very telling.

"If we do see it, I think that is very evident that this is an Obama presidency...if we do not see it, that might mean there is a push by the DNC to insert Michelle Obama," he says.

For what it is worth, Russo does not believe it will be Michelle Obama if they do insert someone. Most people generally believe it will also be someone else, but the option has a pulse.

However, it is more likely to be another easy Democrat puppet: California Governor Gavin Newsom.

"They can do this all the way up to the convention...I think there is a lot of danger in him being a last-minute candidate...it will be not so much about him, but the fact that Republicans have not campaigned against him," he says.

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Photo: Getty Images North America

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