From day one in office, the Biden Administration has been up to no good in the Oval. They removed Donald Trump's immigration policies, killed the Keystone Pipeline project, and have been on a march to force through their own Leftist legislation by any means necessary. That has included holding up crucial border security funding, until Republicans give into more ridiculous funding for Ukraine.
But behind closed doors, the administration has been pushing through their own climate agenda without any outage publicly. That is not because people suddenly believe in the Green New Deal. It is because Biden is now utilizing a strategy called 'Sue and Settle.'
What is Sue and Settle? Marc Morano of The Climate Depot says it is their method of bypassing basic Democracy, and more importantly, public opinion.
"It is basically a well-funded environmental group, suing a federal agency, usually run by a former employee...the agency is on board with it. Then, they sit down, and come to an amicable agreement...where they can then set the law as they see fit," he says.
Back in 2022, the administration announced removing around four million acres of federal land from oil and gas exploration. It was hailed as a great feat by Biden. But really, that was just the result of a lawsuit filed by WildEarth over energy consortiums.
It happened in August as well, when Biden announced exclusion of six million acres of the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico, as part of the settlement from the Sierra Club's lawsuit.
"Congress won't pass legislation...industry is they just sue...and get policies that you want," he says.
The practice is common at every level of government, it is not anything groundbreaking or new. But Biden has begun taking it to extremes it has never reached.
These efforts have essentially rendered Congress, who have battles Biden constantly, almost useless.
"You do not have to lobby legislation or count on votes anymore...this is all done with a veil of secrecy behind closed doors...where no one is paying attention," he says.
America is after all, to quote the show Better Caul Saul, the 'Land of the Free, and the Home of the Lawsuit.'
But they keep getting away with this because any checks or balances are on their side. There is no stopping what they want to do because virtually every department is woke liberal in some form, or fashion.
But Morano says the responsibility will actually rest with people.
"The way to stop it is to expose comes down to making voters aware of this, because elections have consequences," he says. "That is the simplest way to stop it."
Until Americans open their eyes though, which has yet to happen, Biden will get t keep pumping his distorted climate agenda through almost unscathed.
Photo: courtneyk / E+ / Getty Images