KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

KTRH Local Houston and Texas News

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Biden Moves to Open Publicly Funded Pre-College Program to Illegals

Rear view of young student wearing graduation gown with graduation cap in her commencement day.

Photo: Moment RF

As if we didn't have enough incentives for illegal aliens, President Biden is now adding free college prep. The Department of Education program meant for low-income or disabled students may soon be opened to illegal aliens.

The American Thinker's Monica Showalter told KTRH that on top of encouraging more immigrants to cross the border illegally, these handouts are a slap in the face to those who endured the difficult process of coming to America legally. "It's definitely going to create resentment among local people who have to pay for all these things."

Showalter says even though federal law bars illegals from receiving these programs, Biden is likely to find some way to bypass the law or ignore it altogether.

"This is a classic example of the lawless money-shoveling Biden is known for."

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